DEADLIFTS & MINDSET, two avenues I utilize to capitalize the use of my time.
Life is busy.
Life is messy.
My goal is to use what I learn, through experience and research, to assist you in focusing on what is in your power, to own everything, and get to work training and living. More about me here.
Thank you for visiting!
Lifts & Life


Deadlift? 9 Reasons You Should.

Strong Amid Impulse

2020 - Where do you stand?
Buy NowThe mission: To inspire you to grab life by the knurl, to do the things that you want to do; taking the action that fear holds us all back from.
Come for motivation, shared experience, mistakes, and some research.
If you decide some apparel is right for you as well, each order is filled and shipped within three days, and proceeds helps fund the time spent providing new information here.
I am very grateful for your visit. Thank you.
Lift Heavy. Live Happy.

free ebook! Carry Your Groceries in One Trip!
Just enter your email below so we know where to send your FREE 30 page ebook! You'll find out how deadlifts can help you become a real life super hero with this thorough overview. Also included is 21 Day Challenge to get you started! DOMINATE your groceries, IN JUST ONE TRIP! Enter your email now!
Connect with @deads4days